
PVC Needles

Synthetic Christmas trees come in numerous varieties so much so that choosing the best one can be a headache. Choices include bayberry spruce, Dunhill fir and pine in terms of shape aside from the selections of pre-lit LED Christmas trees. So, which one do you choose? Personal preferences in size, style and shape aside, the best criterion in choosing a synthetic tree is to look into its quality of craftsmanship.

The Christmas tree may be the most beautiful on the floor but if it is made with substandard materials and created with shoddy craftsmanship, then it will not last long and there goes your investment.

Here then are the ways that you can judge the quality of materials and craftsmanship of synthetic Christmas trees. Get your discriminating eyes on alert and you will be amply rewarded with a beautiful, functional and durable Christmas tree.

Built-In Tree Lights:

If the tree has built-in LED lights, the light bulbs and sockets must be closely inspected first. These lights can either add beauty to the tree or add on the risks for fire depending on your vigilance in determining their quality. The best built-in lights in artificial trees are placed inside twist-proof sockets and wrapped around the branches.

The bulbs must also have burn-out protection via good quality filaments while the distance bulbs must be at least 8-10 inches, thus, ensuring better light distribution around the entire tree.

PVC Needles:

The needles must be constructed with at least 2 sheets of PVC. The thickness of the PVC needles is also important in the crush resistance ability of the branches. The general rule is that 2 or more sheets of PVC mean better strength, rigidity and crush resistance of the branches in general.

Of course, the PVC material should be fade and flame-resistant. Read the reviews on the artificial Christmas trees before making your choice. Take note that inferior, synthetic trees can be the focal point of household fires because of their non-flame resistant properties.

Tree Branches:

There are two things to judge an artificial tree where its branches are concerned. First, look at the tips of the branches. These should be rounded, thus, mimicking the natural appearance of real trees. Second, look at the gauge wire used on the branches. If the wires are thick, then the branches can hold heavy ornaments. If these are thinner, then you have an inferior tree.

Basically, you want branches that look like the real thing but are sufficiently sturdy to hold ornaments from candy canes to angel figurines.

Poles, Stands and Hinges:

The best synthetic trees use metal poles to hold everything together. Plastic poles may be more affordable but these are prone to breaking and, thus, are not as highly recommended as the metal centre poles. Even the stands should ideally be made of sturdy metal preferably high0quality steel with the welds and rivets made of metal, too. Plastic stands are acceptable but only for trees no taller than 3 feet.

When you have assess that the artificial Christmas trees are of high quality in terms of materials and construction, it is time to choose the most beautiful of the lot. After all, quality comes first before beauty.

